Saturday, February 11, 2012

Why Did You Become a Web Designer?

You are probably one of those who chose web design because you are passionate about it; or not. You may have chosen it because your father owned a design company and he wanted to integrate you into it. Or because you started off as a content writer and after writing on design topics for two years you decided to give it a try. Regardless of where you come from, pretty much all of us head the same way: either work for a company or freelance – there is not that much else out there.

However, there are endless possibilities for us in the web design world – it is quite easy to grow both in skills and personal experience. Each one of us has a life planned and a path he wants to follow, even if there are many overwhelming challenges to get through.
But sometimes you just have to ask yourself, what is it you want to achieve during your career?

Image by DoBeRaGi.
Answering this question is not easy to do and to get the best answer you need to look back at how you started. What feelings did your first job give you? Did you become a designer by accident, or was it something you always planned? Do you want to work as a designer for your whole life, or is it just something you want to use to get a bigger role in the future? It is important to answer these questions because each aspect brings about different outcomes. Some future outcomes bring much more than the others and if you always wanted to become a web designer, then it is highly likely you will always be happy with your career choice. Designing only for the money might not make you so proud of yourself – Steve jobs once declared he would rather go to bed every night knowing he did something great the previous day than being the richest person in the cemetery.
There are lots of reasons why an individual wants to be a designer. You might be a creative person, like the fact that you have the opportunity to work freelance, enjoy mixing both left and right brain work by coding and designing at the same time or enjoy working in a sector that is growing. Of course there are many other reasons, but these seem to be the most popular.
If you still need to plan your career path, then there are two things you should do. First, make a list of things that make you get up all excited in the morning when you go to work. Then, make a list of things you think should be improved. Afterwards, make a short narrative about how your career has been to this point. Clarify your roles and what you like and don’t like about your career. Lots of new job descriptions are written every year, so you might as well be the creator of your new job if you feel like it, but you first need to know where you want to head to in order to reach that point.

Image by Mr. T in DC.
If you are in the field because you are a creative individual, then design is definitely for you. You can be the creative director of a company because creative people tend to do really well when being in charge of a focused area of work. They might not be the best managers or business people, but they are definitely great at managing teams in their field.
If your main skill is flexibility, you are most likely what every company owner looks for. You can be everything, from outsourcing partner to company partner. You probably have the highest chance of living the dream and creating your own business. You probably like managing people, being in charge and taking care of every small detail – then this is for you. You can step by step decrease the number of hours worked for others and increase the hours spent on building your own company. In a few years this company might bring you money without you having to lift a finger.
If coding and designing are what you’re in for, you are great for working in a company or even freelance. You can develop interfaces, applications and even advise people in regards to what might be best for them when they decide to create a website. If you want to aim as high as possible, right now that would probably be Apple. I doubt there is better design out there, both for their web identity and for their products. I am sure there is a reason behind many Product and Industrial Design programs using Apple’s products as case studies.
If you’re in it for the money, you can pretty much accomplish this everywhere. However, I advise you that being in something for the money only brings short term enjoyment and you might have to change careers several times throughout your working life. In the design field you would be suitable for an executive staff job more than a regular day to day coding job. You can also start your own business and if you are flexible and good enough, this will make good money for you.

Image by Doug88888.
What you want to achieve depends also on what you want to focus on. Do you want to provide for your family and make sure they have everything they need? Do you want to offer services for the small companies who need start-up help? Do you want to provide services for specific communities only? I have a friend who owns a company that focuses on churches. They only design for churches and they have quite the portfolio. It is totally up to you what you focus on, but remember every decision you make will reflect upon you later in your career.
To give you a more specific answer, Mark Zuckerberg makes donations. Google’s co-founders have become philanthropists. Adriana Huffington wrote about how to maintain your health if you live and work in a fast-paced digital environment. Every one of those is a legacy they left behind. What is it you want to leave behind?
Some other questions you might ask yourself are: do you want to design for you or for others? Do you want to take direct responsibility for your actions? What kinds of websites do you like to design? Are you more excited about coding or actually building interfaces? Do you want to write about design or actually do it – or both?

Image by espy786.
Working as a web designer is hard work, and many times you will have to spend more than 60 hours per week forcing ideas out. Challenges are out there at every step and it is purely impossible not to run into  them now and then. If you know what you want from life and mostly from your web design career, and you are ready to work hard for it, it is difficult not to enjoy great times. Before making a decision, think about what you want to achieve – then work for it, and sooner than you think you will find yourself on the right path.
Until next time, let’s hear your opinions on this topic. Do you think you made the right choice? Is there something you would like to change in your approach?

ACTA: The Global Attempt At Anti-Piracy

Today it is not a common occurrence to have powerful nations across the globe to act on a single issue, outside of war and relief for a tragedy stricken country of course. However, there seems to be a need to add countering counterfeiting goods and enforcing copyrights online of course. This past month there was nothing more popular Stateside on the net than SOPA and PIPA. These bills were of course met with a great backlash to the U.S. House and Senate, even more so for those that originally proposed them. However, it is quite troubling to find out that these bills are actually just a small fraction of the global government attempt at stopping online piracy. Well since the introduction is over, let’s put no more time rambling in the introduction. The point of the article is ACTA(Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement), and by the end hopefully you will be more informed on this matter.

The image above is from this YouTube clip, summarizing what ACTA is all about.

What is ACTA

*Image Credit: mind on fire
A lot of thoughts should be running through your head right now, especially considering the consistently negative feedback similar items have received in the past. However little to the knowledge of everyone, the past legislations aimed at targeting the same things as ACTA were really just pieces of a bigger puzzle. Okay so before getting into any of that, looking at ACTA and its aim first would give a better understanding of how this is so.

ACTA’s Background

Starting out, the first thing that should be known about ACTA is that it was completely arranged in secrecy. At its time of creation, or as I know of, there was not one Intergovernmental organization that was involved in this. The only information that was available until now about ACTA were the few leaks that popped up online from 2007 up to now.
Originally, ACTA first began in 2006 and was drafted by the United States and Japan. As time progressed, more nations began to join these in the finalization of ACTA and began giving their nations approval for it. These nations including: Canada, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Morocco, and the European Union (who signed off with 22 non-represented states present). Other countries, like Mexico for example, have been involved in talks but have yet to sign on it. It is also important to note that the people involved in these talks are not democratically elected officials. The top four contributors for 2006 are  Time Warner($21,000), News Corp($15,000), Sony Corp of America($14,000), and Walt Disney Co($13,550). The top two industries are TV/Movies/Music($181,050), and Lawyers/Law Firms($114,200).

What is ACTA Really About

Well, its time to get going with explaining how ACTA will start to affect people. Starting with internet users, there won’t be too much time spent here because this has been explained in an earlier article by me and the connection will be clearer in the following section. In a nutshell, ACTA will give the internet service providers the responsibility of monitoring your online activity for pirated material. This will then turn internet providers into something like censorship boards. They are most certainly not willing to take the fall for something one of their customers does online, so there will defiantly many precautions made on their end to ensure nobody has the opportunity to be classified as an online pirate.
Outside of the online spectrum, let’s go into the physical world. ACTA’s attempt at counterfeiting patents had been met with widespread discomfort, especially considering its aim at targeting generic drugs. Due to how well ACTA aims to be a protector of materials with patents, the people behind this act didn’t realize that they could quite possibly be seriously damaging the health of citizens everywhere. Well everywhere except for countries like Canada, who provide free health care for all citizens.

Where Does SOPA and PIPA Play Into This

*Image Credit: jugbo
Currently as an American citizen, which was a co-founder of ACTA, it is important to see how the chain of events really started and to show just how discrete government officials really are when they need to be. Let’s start by looking at the timeline of events.
  • ACTA was first started by Japan and the U.S. in 2006
  • SOPA started out as the PRO-IP act of 2008 and then came about in October of 2011
  • PIPA started out as the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) of 2010, and then came about in May of 2011
Now, read this quote I pulled directly from the ACTA documentation:
Each Party shall give effect to the provisions of this Agreement. A Party may
implement in its law more extensive enforcement of intellectual property rights than is
required by this Agreement, provided that such enforcement does not contravene the
provisions of this Agreement. Each Party shall be free to determine the appropriate
method of implementing the provisions of this Agreement within its own legal system
and practice.
So, the framework for PIPA and SOPA were originally set in place by ACTA. As earlier mentioned, this is why the need to discuss in detail the affects of ACTA in more detail for a second time is not necessary.

What is Happening in Europe

*Image Credit: imaginedhorizons
Right now the European Parliament is planning on holding a vote on ACTA in the near future. As seen with the similar situation in the States, this act can’t go through with enough KNOWLEDGEABLE public disgust to oppose it. There is a planned ACTA global protest  for February 11. Now there are a lot of things everybody can do to keep informed, knowledgable, and active about ACTA.
  •  ACTUALLY READING ITS DOCUMENTATION!!! The main problem with SOPA and PIPA opposers was that most didn’t even bother to read the actual bills, rather relying on blog posts. While this is a good source, if you find the right post, it is best to read the actual documentation. It is quite long, but very worth the read.
  • Contacting INTA. This organization is currently creating a report on ACTA, and it is vital that they know all the harm it can cause. Also, what type of precursor this act just might be for the rest of the world.
  • Read up on it at Wiki Leaks. There is a lot of information to be learned from this article, must read!
  • Sign an online petition. These are always helpful, showing statistical numbers is a great way of improving impact.


What is ACTA? 
Say No To ACTA
Crafters of ACTA To Blame For Confused Reaction
‘Anonymous is the ideal of direct democracy in practice’ says Czech activist Great Troll
Google Search On ACTA

Colorlabs Valentine’s WordPress Theme Promo – Over 70% Discount!

It’s that time of the year again when lovers feel a significant increase on their emotions. But whether you feel like showering yourself with positive emotions or not, Colorlabs is here to provide you with over 70% discount on each of their two best themes! The regular price for each theme is $49 for the standard pack, and $99 for the developer pack. With the Super Cool Discount Coupon inside, provided by Colorlabs, you will get each for $14 for the standard pack and $28 for the developer pack. Wow! What are you waiting for? Immerse yourself with love from Colorlabs!

Colorlabs Valentine’s WordPress Theme Promo – Over 70% Discount!
Aside from the features listed below, I would like to point out some of the awesome things you’ll get when you purchase a theme from Colorlabs:
  • The two themes below have responsive layout, which means no matter what your screen’s size is it will respond to it and adjust itself accordingly, even the images. Try viewing the demo (link below the images) and adjust your browser’s size, or check it on your smart phone or tablet. Amazing!
  • For one website you’ll get a lifetime support on one domain for the standard pack, and unlimited domains for the developer pack.
  • Access to documentation and theme updates.
  • If you’re new to this kind of thing, Colorlabs will setup the theme for you!
But wait, where’s my Discount Coupon?! It’s at the end of this post!

Adam & Eve

In a relationship there are two sides, so why not have a two-sided blog too? This is actually my first time seeing a double-sided blog theme, which is actually fantastic considering that you and your partner can use each side for your daily ramblings! Imagine how cute that would be. But of course you can also use this theme aside from talking sweetly, or bitterly, with each other. Fantastic theme!
Click here for the demo.

Some Cool Features:

  • Double blogging – display two different blog posts side by side
  • Customized sidebar
  • Featured post sliders
  • Social network integration
  • Tons of customizable widgets


With today’s technology, even invitations should not stop from being a very static piece of paper. Invitora revolutionizes the way people can send out invitation for their wedding. It is a one-paged theme that emulates a real-life wedding invitation, added with spice with the social media button to let the whole world know that someone is getting married!
Getting married soon? Make your wedding invitation fun by using Invitora!
Click here for the demo.

Some Cool Features:

  • Six color schemes
  • Photo gallery that will show photos from blog posts
  • Social network integration
  • Tons of customizable widgets
  • Page templates (contact page, blog page, gallery page)

Itching to get your hands on these themes?

Then use this coupon code for a 70% plus discount: AEE42
Coupon is valid from February 10, 2012 up to the 17th!
What now? Now you share this to as many friends as you can, across several social networks you are on!

Document Your 2012 With Style Using an Advent Calendar

Advent calendars aren’t yet the trend in the blogging industry but there have been really good bloggers that have found a great use for them. One of the well-known advent calendar is 24 Ways.
They have done a good job with their advent calendar which has created a new meaning for it. I am not sure if 24 ways was the pioneer in the wave behind advent calendars for blogs but they surely have been the driving force. Today, we will try to show you some of the best advent calendars. We will discuss what makes these advent calendars stand out and how they can catch the attention of your website’s visitors.

What is an Advent Calendar?

Google the keywords Advent Calendar and you will find the Wikipedia page that states that Advent Calendars have something to do with Christmas. Advent Calendars are more like flashy archive calendars which are being used by webmasters to give their schedules a new meaning all together. Well, that is the textbook definition of an Advent Calendar. Otherwise, the term Advent Calendar has evolved quite a lot lately and it is no longer just for Christmas but anything that you want. Actually, the blogging community recently picked up Advent Calendars and shaped its definition to suit their needs.

5 Amazing Advent Calendars

1. 24 Ways

The mother of all advent calendars, 24 Ways (as I said before) was the reason behind the sudden surge in advent calendars on various websites. The quality of content and the presentation of the advent calendar with a blog made people’s jaws drop. 24 Ways is famous for topics ranging from design to development. Even discussions on business matters and inspirational articles make way into the elite list of content that is published in 24 ways. This way the website is able to target niche readers and new readers alike.

The design of 24 ways takes care of various screen resolutions which in itself is a big advantage for readers and publishers too. Also, this advantage takes care of readers who prefer to access the website on mobile devices or other platforms like tablets. 24 Ways is famous for its high quality content and the over-the-top advent calendar is enough to attract users.

2. HTML5 and CSS Advent 2011

You might feel turned off when you see the HTML5 and CSS Advent Calendar 2011 after 24 Ways. But, please bear with the new players in this game. 24 ways has set a standard that might be tough for the rest to achieve, but it does not mean that others will never achieve the same. It is just a matter of time. Anyways, this advent calendar was designed with a set plan. The plan was to publish a new article every day until the end of the year 2011 and looks like the webmasters behind this advent calendar did well to publish quality content.

HTML5 and CSS3 Advent Calendar is full of crazy content with amazing images and planned drafts. The final versions of articles that you see on this website will surely force you to learn something new no matter how big an expert you are in the field of HTML5 and CSS3. I wish that these guys had planned to continue even after the year 2011. But, good things always come to an end, right?

3. Electric December 11

This happens to be Watershed’s annual calendar which covers the best possible short films from across Europe. Electric December 11 gives you the opportunity to enjoy 24 short films from across Europe. Enjoy the underwater bubble ride, discover secret twins, listen to unbelievable music, hug a tree or meet the prime minister.

Electric December 11 is not like the regular blogs with advent calendars. Rather, it happens to be an amazing collection of video based content with presentation skills that cannot be ignored. Do share your experiences once you are done with Electric December 11.

4. PHP Advent

Let us concentrate on websites that are more like blogs with advent calendars of sorts. PHP Advent is one such website with a simple to understand advent calendar. PHP Advent is another blog with content curated for the needs of its niche readers. The idea behind PHP Advent was to push its writers to write regularly. This is another advantage of an advent calendar. If you see a calendar right on the home page of your blog then there is this instinct to push content so that the advent calendar looks lively. This is when you learn to be disciplined and regular.

While you are at PHP Advent, you can also visit Photo Advent which happens to be the brain child of the same people who are behind PHP Advent. Similar template with niche concentrating on photography instead of PHP.

5. MDN Holiday Calendar

When big guns enter the arena they have to be different and better than the best. This is what Mozilla Developer Network did when they launched their advent calendar. The calendar focuses on dates that have something special related to Mozilla and its fan following. Be it just for fun stuff for its followers or ongoing developer news which can be of use to Mozilla developers, the advent calendar is regularly updated with fresh content.

The best part of Mozilla’s advent calendar is its look and its smooth display on any browser. Being a firm believer of Open Source, Mozilla has uploaded the source code of the advent calendar on GitHub. If you want something similar for yourself then you know exactly where you need to look for help. Good luck and do share your experiments with us.

Create Your Own Advent Calendar

You can either use the source code provided by Mozilla (and the two part tutorial) to create a Mozilla look alike advent calendar or jump over to Advent Calendr if you are using a tumblr blog. With the tools provided by Advent Calendr, one can easily turn a Tumblr blog into a advent calendar. You get to choose from multiple skins which can help you create an advent calendar that stands out from the crowd.
Advent Calendr provides its users with customization options and can be customized to suit various users’ needs. One can even separate the Tumblr posts from the advent calendar to reduce the amount of confusion that tend to creep in with a advent calendar.
Lastly, it will be your own expertise when it comes to designing your own advent calendar.


There was a time when blogging was new for us. It took time, but slowly everyone dived into the world of blogging and we know how it is today. It’s the same case with advent calendars. They are still in their infancy and webmasters are still experimenting with them. It will take a lot of time before we see very polished advent calendars and they become common on a lot of blogs. Until then, let us just enjoy 24 ways!

Punch Procrastination in the Face and Accomplish Your Goals

Working from home or even an office as a freelancer can be very rewarding. Free time, creating your own schedule, the chance to be your own boss—the freelancing life is one that a lot of people envy.
Unfortunately, without a boss or supervisor breathing down your neck, the accountability starts to decrease and freelancers can become entangled in a web of distractions and procrastination without even realizing it.
Facebook, emails, Twitter, blog comments, your mother calling to gossip about the family —all of these and more vie for your attention.


Image credits
Distractions are all around you, from your telephone and your neighbor’s barking dog to Facebook and a YouTube video that has been calling your name.
Do any of these distract you too? I know I have fallen prey to these types of distractions more than once.
  • Your mother calls and you pick up the phone while in the middle of a client’s project…how can you leave your mother hanging?
  • Your friend emails you about his latest accomplishment…how can you not call him back? He deserves a quick congratulations. You can finish your work later.
  • A client emails you about a project but it is not a rush. You feel obligated to answer even though you need to finish what you are working on. You will finish the project later. The email will only take a few minutes.


This word will take on a life of its own if you do not omit it from your mind’s vocabulary. Trust me, distractions always last more than a few minutes, even if they are only one minute long. If you add that time up, it will amount to money you could be making doing more projects.

Friends and Family

Consider your workday similar to how you would work for an employer. Our friends and family don’t seem to understand that just because we work from home doesn’t mean we are available during the day. When I started freelancing, I often was asked to help family and friends with tasks during the day. Because I was working from home I decided it was not a big deal. I soon realized that these activities were stealing my productivity. It was time for me to consider my workday the same as anyone else in corporate America or anyone who works for an employer.
How do you resist these distractions?
First, create a daily schedule…


Image by iotdfi
If you don’t set daily goals, you will open up the door to many distractions. It’s nearly impossible to stay focused if you don’t have a clear idea of what you need to accomplish and when.
Break up your weekly goals into daily tasks. At the end of the day, you will feel great for accomplishing your goals and you will also not be struggling at the end of the week to get your work done because you were distracted.
Here is a rundown of some tips and the steps I take to create a daily schedule:
  • Every Saturday or Sunday, compile your tasks by weekly goals and client deadlines.
  • Break up your tasks into daily increments. Your goals should reflect the time you have in the day, not overwhelm you or give way for multiple distractions. For example, every other Monday I have a personal commitment so I know on Mondays I cannot complete as much work as I can  on Tuesday. I factor this into the equation instead of just randomly filling out the schedule.
  • Don’t forget about miscellaneous tasks. For me, this equates to lead generation, social media updating, responding to project inquiries and emails, crafting proposals. Some other miscellaneous job-related tasks could include writing a blog post, researching a competing website, watching a design tutorial, etc. Factor these tasks into your week as long as they are applicable to the work you are doing. You can research training tips for your dog during breaks or after work hours.
  • Schedule your miscellaneous tasks. Pay attention to how much time you are spending on them. You may need to adjust your schedule as you move along, but this is a great starting point. I currently spend about 30 minutes to an hour on miscellaneous tasks daily. How do I know this? Stay tuned to learn about a cool time tracking tool below!
  • Your work schedule doesn’t have to be 9-5. As a freelancer you have the ability to create your own schedule. If you are a parent, your hours may be different than someone who is single. The goal is to ensure you meet your daily goals whether your day starts at 12 pm or 7 am.
  • Breaks and Fun Stuff – Make sure to schedule breaks because they are very important. Your mind will need time to re-energize. I schedule a few small breaks during the day and one lunch break. On your breaks you can do fun stuff like going on Facebook for pleasure, watching cool videos or taking a walk in the beautiful weather (yes, I live in sunny Southern California).
  • Tip: If you have trouble staying on one project for more than 30 minutes, schedule your breaks in smaller increments. You may need 5-10 smaller breaks during the day instead of 2 large ones.
  • To beat those urges to procrastinate, write out your weekly schedule and post it in front of your computer. As you finish each goal, check it off and go on to the next one.

Tips to Deal with Procrastination

Project Completion

When you are working on a project, try not to step away from it until it is complete. If you are like me, you have 25 windows open at the same time and any one of them can be a distraction. Email is my biggest challenge. To combat this, I tell myself I can only check my email once a project is complete and I cannot answer any emails until my miscellaneous time or after work hours. The only emails to which I respond are pressing client projects or deliverables.


We all know how boring a task can become if it is dragging on and on. Instead of running to Facebook or texting your friend, switch to another project or start doing some of your miscellaneous tasks. Resist the urge to go off your schedule unless it is close to break time. Sometimes your brain just needs something different to do.


If you feel like you will have a hard time sticking to your daily schedule, ask someone you trust to make you accountable at the end of every day. Put your schedule up for all to see so you can be held to it.

Use a Time Scheduling Tool

Chrometa is an amazing free tool that tracks your every move on your computer. It will show you exactly what you do each day from how much time you spend on Facebook to the hours you put into a client’s project.

The image above is what a day would look like in its simplest form. As you can see I was away for 2 hours and 51 minutes (you can pause the tool when you step away from your computer) and it breaks down my tasks into the sites and programs I visited. If I click on each entry, it will display a detailed summary of specific information. For example, if I click on Mozilla Firefox, it will show me the 32 sites I visited and how much time I spent on each.
You can also categorize by project and create invoices for clients. If you are working on a project paid by the hour, you can send your client an invoice directly from the interface with a detailed description of your time (this is a paid service). You can personalize the entire system to your freelancing schedule and projects.
This tool helped me realize how much I was procrastinating and how much time I was spending on frivolous tasks. I realized that one minute away led to ten and when I added up all of my one minute distractions, it amounted to hours of procrastination…not a good business model by any means.
Other Awesome Tools:
  • Wunderlist - to keep track of your tasks
  • RescueTime – to save you from wasting too much time by telling you what you did

Be Honest

In the end, if you want to beat procrastination, you must get honest with yourself. Look at your daily activities as if you were someone else looking over your shoulder. In the end, it is YOUR success that is being affected.
No one is perfect so take a load off…but don’t allow yourself to become complacent in the process. We all face procrastination in one form or another. If you really want to become efficient and grow your freelancing business by accomplishing your goals, you must take a close look at what you are doing daily.
Also…please don’t think you can’t do this. I was the queen of procrastination. I used to do my work whenever I felt like it and was constantly distracted by Facebook and emails. If I can become more efficient and productive, so can you.
Take it from a fellow procrastinator…if you put the effort in, you will get the same reward back. And eventually, finishing tasks will feel more rewarding and something you will want instead of something you dread.
Do you ever procrastinate as a freelancer? Share with our readers how you beat procrastination or if you need more help accomplishing your goals.

How to Stop Yourself from Stealing from Your Design Gurus

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but what about when that flattery is taken too far? Take a look at any blog in our industry, there is a 100% chance that there is at least a few posts with nothing but different pieces readers can gain inspiration from. There is nothing wrong with this of course; inspiration posts do a great job of showcasing a designer’s hard work and giving someone some cool ideas from looking at them. However, too often this inspiration found from viewing can lead to something entirely different.

This is when one takes inspirational work, and directly takes aspects from it for your own. This was something that was understandable and was just brushed off when it was only a few young naive designers doing it, you really couldn’t fault them too much for only wanting to create something like a designer they admire. However, today it really does seem as if this act of using inspiration is a valid reason for taking the work of another and calling it your own.
Since that seems to be the case, in this article we’re going to go over a few things that will help give insight on how to turn inspiration into original creative works.

What Does Stealing and Inspiration Look Like

Before going to deep on this topic, it is best to first illustrate my point visually for a better understanding of my argument. So below you will find a few quality websites, and then examples of how they have been imitated in our community.


I don’t think that there is another website around today that has been more influential than that of It is quite easy to understand why, even if you aren’t a creative you’ll find yourself appreciating the simplicity and excellent use of white space. With all that being said, the Apple website has been imitated by pretty much everyone in our community. Whether consciously or not, the inspiration is clear as day. Below you’ll find several articles showcasing inspired websites:
  • 60 Apple Inspired Websites – Why Apple Design Works?
  • 22 Website Designs Inspired by via Web Designer Depot
  • Web Design Inspired by via Inspiration Magazine


Well in accordance with anything, when you do good work expect it to be cloned and see other people profited off of it. Right now, the highlighted design that’s been stolen is There is a WordPress theme available for those looking to have a website with all the same functionality, and similar design, of


If anyone is just cruising around the internet is looking for some good local deals, 10 times out of 10 you’re going to end up on Groupon’s website. It is quite clear to understand why too, it has a clean interface that gives clear direction to what is usually thought of as a messy and unorganized scavenger hunt. Because of the success of this site’s design, there have been many interpretations of it and tutorials available to get that Groupon design down for yourself. Below you’ll find a few links to what I’m referring to:
  • Create An eCommerce Site Inspired By Groupon With JQuery Slider via pvmgarage
  • The Groupon-Style Website Trend: Why and How it Works via Onextrapixel

Where is the Problem

As shown in some of the above examples, there can be inspiration found from looking at anothers design and used with a positive original result. However, there has also been shown that it is quite easy, maybe unknowingly perhaps, to just take parts from other sites and put them into your own. Some have been so bold as to deliberately duplicate the design, seemingly pixel for pixel, and expect it to be viewed in the same light as the original. Now for the rest of this article, we are going to go over a few key things to consider when finding inspiration and stop yourself from taking it to far.

Think of how it would Feel if Your Work was Stolen

 *Image Credit: hang_in_there

Feels like having a fever because of that Rage you're trying to keep. The phrase “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” relates perfectly to this situation. It is a common occurrence for a designer who has stolen the work of another designer have someone steal from them, and then feel offended by it. This is pretty funny when you think about it, a thief calling someone who steals from them a thief. When someone is taking an aspect of someone’s design, there isn’t too much thought of how it would feel to be on the other end. All the countless hours of just wondering how you can give your design that ‘wow’ factor, and then you finally figure it out. The next thing you know, someone just took your idea that you spent hours thinking about, and labeled it theirs.

Remember Originality Brings the Best Rewards

*Image Credit: Viral~
The designers that are regarded as the top professionals didn’t get to where they are by taking from others until they reached the top. The respect they have achieved in their career came from hard work, consistent remembrance of self, and pushing for individuality and originality. Sure taking things here and there from others will make you some money, but you’ll never truly be recognized for the talent you have because all you’re doing is copying what you see and making an appealing collage in your work.

Missing Out on the Feeling of Accomplishment

*Image Credit: Slightlynorth
For many people involved in a creative profession, the monetary gains they receive are not that great. Actually, those that major in art related fields in college have one of the lowest average annual salaries around the world. So why would anyone even bother getting into a field like this? What sense does it make to be in a career that does not have good salary growth in comparison to other fields?
To those in creative fields, things like that don’t matter. The only thing that does is being able to make a living doing what you love, creating. Now if that is the mindset of the majority of our industry, why would you forgo that feeling. Personally, one of the best feelings I get is when I complete a cool project that took me an awful lot of time to get exactly right.

In Conclusion

When someone takes on a creative field as their career choice, they are making a statement. A statement that declares that they prefer self-fulfillment by taking their respective creative talents as far as they can go, and make a living while doing so. This is a bold and powerful statement, which somewhat distances the creative spectrum from the rest of the world to a degree. So for someone to take on a career that represents the aforementioned statement shows complete disrespect to the creative community and themselves when they go out and steal from others. Gaining inspiration from a design is completely normal and great; just remember that inspiration is not a plausible cause for stealing.

How to Beat Designer’s Block Like a Kung Fu Master

If you have ever written articles for a blog or publication, you’ve definitely experienced what we call a writer’s block. By definition, this is an undetermined period during which a writer feels there is no inspiration for him anymore. Writer’s block can easily be a designer’s block and all of us can encounter a block at some point in time – if you done this for a long time, you have most probably already encountered it.
This block is not something easy to get past and it can come around exactly when you need inspiration the most. It might be right before a deadline or just after you landed a huge project, most importantly is that if (more like when) it happens to you, you need to make an effort to get past it.

The more you fight surpassing it with the techniques that seem useful at a first glance, the deeper in trouble you will find yourself. Unlike what many think, getting past a designer’s block can be done with the help of some easy and natural procedures.

Use music

Many of us use music to get rid of day-to-day stress, while others listen to it all the time, wherever they are. Music relays different emotions to people and, if you are very creative, it also relays different colors and shapes. If you ever listened to a song and created a video for it in your mind, then you are one of those who can get a lot out of music – it creates positive images in your mind, which you can use for inspiration.

Image by Doug88888.
However, this does not always work. The reason behind it is simple: we always listen to the same music, bands and artists. The same music creates the same images in your head, therefore you might not get too many new ideas if you listen to your everyday tunes. You probably know the feeling of a song which always brings back the same memories.
Find new music in the genre you like, try searching for your favourite artist’s old songs, go out there and experiment. Otherwise music, something which is so accessible to us, will not be too much of a help.

Go outside

This is something I recommended before, in my article targeting freelancers that get distracted. Going out is probably the cheapest and easiest way to relax. This is also when and where creativity can hit you right away. Many times a short walk in the park or a tour to the zoo can give you ideas. You can find them all over out there, from color schemes to shapes. Only being outside on a great summer day gives you a feeling of liberty and happiness – if you haven’t experienced this yet, make sure you do it soon – this is a must for creative individuals.

Image by Mike G. K.
If nature can’t help too much, then there is still hope outside home. Use architecture for this purpose. I bet the New York architecture inspired many designers in building grandiose designs. Pretty much everything you are passionate about (which is outside the house) can inspire you.
I, myself, love airplanes and airports. If I lived near La Guardia, Schiphol, Charles de Gaulle or John F. Kennedy, I would be there the whole day. I would just sit and watch airplanes landing and taking off. That would give me a huge boost of inspiration. If there is something out there you are inspired about, go and check it if you find yourself dealing with a designer’s block.

Deal with it some other time

This happens mostly when we work on multiple projects and we feel there is no inspiration left for one of them. If the deadline isn’t two days away, push the project longer down the queue. Not focusing on it and working on something else will allow you to come back later on and will free your mind for a period. Many times a designer’s block comes from lack of relaxation and for people who work way too much and exhaust themselves. You will notice that you will come back with new ideas when you take some time away from a project.
It doesn’t always help to think too much about something that isn’t there. Ideas usually come up in conversations and actions that have no relation to your project so if you stay home and think of your project, it is highly unlikely you will get past the block. It may sound weird or false, but the best ideas I have had were generated through diverse discussions; they just popped into my mind. I am sure some of you experienced this as well. Forcing ideas out is the worst thing you could do.

Get inspiration

Now I am not saying you should steal or copy other people’s work. I am just saying it’s never a bad idea to go out there and see how others are doing similar assignments. There is no harm in this and at the very least you get ideas that you can use some other time. I think it is highly unlikely to spend time researching and looking over inspirational examples and not get anything out of it.

Image by Mighty Crumble.
However, getting inspiration from the internet is something you should do carefully. Using something another designer used before is not only illegal, but might also be a poor decision for your project. If, for example, you found a design and liked the use of  italic text and a serif typeface, it doesn’t mean you can just take it and attach it to your project. Perusing others work is something you should think twice before doing.
When looking for inspiration, you might want to use this as a way to understand your website’s problems, not as a way to find solutions. If you see a webpage that sends a powerful message, learn how they do it and adapt it to your solution – don’t copy. Adapting is a different concept than copying.


The key to getting over designer’s block (as well as writer’s block) is relaxation. As fast as you can achieve this, you will become better at what you do and will be able to get past this block. If deadlines are approaching fast and you feel the block, you naturally get stressed and nervous. The simple step in solving this issue is the following: just relax.

Image by Nakic.
It sounds superficial, but this is the only way to get past such an issue. It is something natural which can only be solved by taking natural steps. Your mind will not start to execute at command – you need to relax it in order for it to deliver.


Yes, there is such a thing as designer’s block and it is also quite dangerous. It can destroy careers, make people miss deadlines or get fired; that’s how bad can it get. However, as just presented, getting past it doesn’t require years of training – it requires you to be able to relax and take your mind off the project for a while. Sure, I agree that this is not always possible because of deadlines, but whenever you can, take these steps and you will notice an improvement in the way you handle the block.

Know Why Your Website’s Header Is Driving People Away

Whichever website you visit, the first thing that you will notice is the header image of that website. Later on, scrolling down the page or admiring the header image is something that depends on the purpose of your visit. The point is that the header image (or, to be more generic, the header section) is a very important part of any website design. Header images have been an integral part of websites for a long time, but lately original designers have given a whole new life and excitement to header images. It is the header image that initiates the mission of any website and a dull header image might just kill the experience.

Today, we will go through the basic semantics of header image design and how the very default looking header images are still sitting on most websites. We will try to figure out what web designers can do to create jaw dropping header images and use examples to understand how designers are actually implementing original ideas.

Old is no more the gold

Gone are the days when a regular rectangular header image design will be good enough for your upcoming website design. Notice that if your website is very old and has its own fan following then you might not have to experiment with header images, but if you are new in business then you have to do something different so as to attract visitors. I am sorry to say, but the wrapper of the chocolate is an important reason behind you buying that chocolate. Get it?
There are plenty of default designs and plugins available that make it super easy for website designers to come up with a basic header image but that just isn’t helping you out. If you want to be part of this business then get real. Think. Out. Of. The. Box!
It will sound a bit weird if we tag something as default design in today’s website design industry, but unfortunately it is true. The structure that you see above has become, more or less, the default website design for those who want to go live real quick. Register a domain, pick up a template and you will be live within minutes. But, is that of any use? The ready-to-go designs help you go online but don’t help you get the attention of internet surfers. True?
So, how can we actually take our first step toward out-of-box looks? What can one really do with the default header shapes, sizes and designs? Aren’t they supposed to be what they are? Well, they are supposed to be the way they are, but with a little tweaking we can actually make them look super attractive. Here are my suggestions when it comes to tweaking your header images:


Don’t compare this tip with something that pops out of the screen due to its amazing design. Rather, what I am trying to suggest here could well be a simple but unique way to make your headers look different from the rest. This is actually the easiest too, once you are into it.

Look at the header image of Gary Nock. It is more or less merged with the rest of the website design. You will never find such kind of rectangular in shape header images. Rather, such header images submerge with the rest of the design which as a result gives the website design the clean and riveting look. So, when I say “submerge” then I mean merge your header image design with the rest of the website design in a fashion that the old rectangular look of the website is not around to turn off your readers.

Break The “Text Book” Definition of Dynamic Headers

Enough of  the jQuery codes to make your headers look dynamic. Can’t we make them look a bit different considering the fact that almost everybody is either using a jQuery based header or a (good old) flash header.

Check out the above header design from Raskulls. The website has done well to balance the looks of a dynamic header with a clean header image. The end result is a sleek looking header image that does justice to the niche of Raskulls. See, I am not asking you to give up on jQuery or Flash either. What I want you to understand is that it is high time that we start looking for header image designs that are sleeker and different from the rest. You’ve got to stand out to attract visitors.

Ditch the Rectangle

I won’t give you an example in this case as my first tip of submerging the header image with rest of the website design was almost similar to this. See, we are used to the usual rectangular looking header images. As I said before, they have become part of the default website design which is of no use. What if you ditch the rectangle shape of header images and look for something which is different. This is when you will attract attention and that is the sole purpose of your website. True?

Ditch the Header Itself!

OUCH! What was that?
Well, that was getting rid of something that confuses you the most. If you are not happy with your rectangular looking header image design and you are not sure of anything different then why not just ditch the header itself? Why can’t we start with the content directly and use a small square in the sidebar for the name of the website? What is the real problem? There isn’t any hard and fast rule suggesting that headers are a must for a website design, and if it isn’t a rule why do we actually have to stick with them?

Have a look at Sony’s portal displaying its tablets. Sony has smartly left only a little  amount of space on top for the name and menu while the rest acts as the place where content is displayed. Really, if you are not sure about the kind of header that you should use then you will be better off ditching the header. Try it!

Keep Thinking Different. Don’t Give Up!

This is supposed to be the usual tip of any inspiration pointers and it applies here too, but with a slight difference. The point that I want you to understand here is that if you keep trying the different looks for your header image then you are bound to come up with something which is a lot better than the rectangular looking header images. And, trust me on this one, any header shape will look better than a rectangular header image design.
Your hard work and your honesty should be reflected in your out-of-box header image design. This is when visitors understand the seriousness of your purpose and end up giving more time to your website. Also, keep changing your header images. Experiment with different looks and see what leads to a jump in your traffic. Try. Fall. Getup. Try. Succeed. Continue Trying.


Juan Diego Velasco – Web Designer Portfolio

Giancarlo Fajardo – Creative Graphic Design Portfolio

Duirwaigh Studios

N.Design Studio

Octwelve – Blog of designer MeryLuc Melgar

Pixel Cool

Shaun Groves


Header images have come a long way. I know plenty of websites that have successfully experimented with header image designs, but I know so many who still go live without proper design plans. Please remember that you might be better off with a simple looking header image design if your website is old with huge visitor numbers. In that case, the visitors are aware of the quality of content that your website produces and this is when an attractive header image is not that important. But, if you are new in business then better take care of the looks of your website design otherwise be prepared to end up nowhere.

Eenox: Design HTML5 Websites for Desktop and Mobile without Coding

The death of Adobe Flash for mobile was not shocking news for the majority of its proponents, we all saw it coming. With that, HTML5 will definitely gain control of both mobile and desktop websites in a few years. Right now there are a lot of HTML5 template generators, making it easy for designers and developers to create an HTML5 website.
A French startup, Eenox, has developed a platform to help create dynamic HTML5 websites without writing a single line of code. If you are familiar with Wix, a Flash website builder with drag-and-drop features, it basically works the same.
Eenox is an application that you can use right in your browser. Designing an application/website is easy. It is literally a drag-and-drop, draw and place, kind of application.

Among the many features it has, one thing that took me by surprise is how easy it is to use even for a non-technical person. The interface is like storytelling, directing its users what to click, what it’s for, and how to properly do it. You rarely see something like this from applications, but games do it all the time.
Below I masterfully tested the application, adding an image and sample text, and a Twitter stream. I have set the resolution for tablet.

Every web page created automatically generates a QR code for them. And unlike testing the website to see if it works, which usually entails setting up your localhost (if you work on your local machine), every element is as you see it. No more setting up, just drag, drop and add your content.
Several months ago, the talk was about creating a responsive website which can automatically adjust itself based on the screen of the user. Eenox has successfully employed this with every website or application that is made using their platform. Here’s proof of that. Try resizing your browser, and you will see the image and text adapt to your browser’s size.
Changing the background color, or the color of any element for that matter, only requires moving some slides through a gradient.  You can even download the website you made, and then host it on your web server.
There is a free version that you can use to test the application. A paid version starts at $99 for every 2 months up to $280/mo.

Features of Free Version

  • Maximum of 3 web pages to download
  • Maximum of 3 images per page
  • Limited to 1 web page
  • Hosting
The free version is pretty limited, hopefully someday the features for the free version will increase. Truthfully, I haven’t had enough of a chance to test it because of the limitations, but I can say that I like how easy it is to use.

Benefits of using the paid version:

  • Unlimited downloads
  • 25 to 120 web pages
  • Unlimited image number per page
  • Hosting
  • Other Advanced Features
  • Statistics
  • SEO
  • Can publish app on the App Store or Android Market
See image below for the full pricing details:
Image was shamelessly taken from their website.

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